About Us
CAHP works to sustain a strong environment in which our member plans can provide access to products that offer choice and flexibility to the Californians they serve.
Members of the California Association of Health Plans benefit from our proven track record in advocating on health care issues before state policymakers. Blanketing the field of licensed health care service plans, membership helps businesses network with health plan leadership, and those in affiliated fields. CAHP offers a range of membership levels that best fit your organization’s needs.
This membership catergory is made up of full-service Knox-Keen licensed plans.
This membership category is made up of non full-service licensed plans with a pending license.
This membership category consists of companies that provide a product or service to the healthcare industry.
This membership category is made up of law firms that specialize in the healthcare industry in California.
CAHP Press Release: Information and Resources for California Health Plan Members Impacted By Southern California Wildfires