About Us
California Association of Health Plans (CAHP) is a statewide trade association representing public and private health care plans that provide coverage to nearly 28 million Californians.
Taking a Closer Look at Hospital Costs:
As California’s Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA) works towards implementing new health care spending targets, California’s health plans are committed to maintaining health care affordability and ensuring Californians can continue to access high quality health care coverage. However, health care affordability cannot be fully addressed without first addressing the high costs of hospital care.
Members of the California Association of Health Plans benefit from our proven track record in advocating on health care issues before state policymakers.
Blanketing the field of licensed health care service plans, membership helps businesses network with health plan leadership, and those in affiliated fields. CAHP offers a range of membership levels that best fit your organization’s needs.
Click the Bill Tracker button for information about legislation impacting California’s health plans.
CAHP Fact Sheet: Key Facts for Providers on California’s Health Care Spending Target