CAHP Fact Sheet: AB 3275 Will Harm California’s Health Care Delivery System and Do Nothing to Save Distressed Hospitals
VOTE NO ON AB 3275 - Health plans understand the important role hospitals play within our health care system and we continue to support and make every effort to ensure hospitals stay operational so they can continue to provide quality care to all patients in the communities we serve. Unfortunately, AB 3275 will drive up health care costs, harm the existing health care delivery system, and DO NOTHING to help financially distressed hospitals in California.
CAHP Fact Sheet: Top Cost Drivers of 2025 Health Plan Premiums
California’s health plan premium costs in 2025 will be driven by several factors across the individual and small group marketplaces, particularly: continued inflation driving increased provider reimbursement rates, high hospital costs, the resumption of Medi-Cal redeterminations, and the continued rise in drug prices especially from weight loss drugs and other specialty drugs.
CAHP Press Release: Information and Resources for California Health Plan Members Impacted By Southern California Wildfires