CAHP Press Release: ICYMI – Wall Street Journal: Surging Hospital Prices Helping Keep Inflation High

The Wall Street Journal recently published a report highlighting the fact that surging hospital prices have contributed to stubbornly high inflation in the United States. The article notes that the U.S. Labor Department found that hospital prices specifically jumped 7.7% in April from a year ago, the highest increase in any month since October 2010.

CAHP Press Release: ICYMI – Capitol Weekly: Health Care Affordability Efforts Must Include Everyone

Capitol Weekly this week published an opinion editorial authored by California Association of Health Plans (CAHP) President and CEO Charles Bacchi, arguing that the Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA) must prioritize addressing hospital costs—the largest cost driver in the health care system.

CAHP Fact Sheet: California’s Health Plans Are Working to Address Affordability in Health Care Coverage

As California’s Office of Healthcare Affordability (OHCA) develops proposals to address health care affordability in California, health plans are actively engaged with the Office on efforts to manage health care costs and improve affordable health care coverage options. Californians deserve health care that is accessible, affordable, and high quality, and health plans are active participants in developing solutions.

CAHP Fact Sheet: SB 294 Will Delay Much Needed Health Care for CA’s Youth.

SB 294 is a counterproductive bill that will do the opposite of what it seeks to do by unnecessarily complicating and delaying care further for those seeking mental health care. It will also increase costs for the state’s health care system and all Californians.