CAHP Fact Sheet: New Health Care Mandates Would Drive Up Premiums By $943 Million
California’s health plans provide health care coverage for nearly 28 million people and are dedicated to ensuring that everyone has access to high quality, affordable health care services. In 2023, California lawmakers are considering many new mandate bills that, as proposed, would altogether drive up premiums by at least $943 million.
CAHP Fact Sheet: Say No to SB 598: A Prescription for Low-Value Healthcare
Californians deserve safe, high quality, high-value health care. Yet SB 598 will derail the progress we have made in our health care system by lowering the value and safety that Californians should expect from their health care providers.
CAHP Fact Sheet: The Truth About Big Pharma’s Insulin Prices
Big Pharma has a track record of raising insulin prices and there is no guarantee they will not decide to raise insulin prices again in the future. Big Pharma-backed co-pay cap legislation like Senate Bill 90 could lead to higher health care costs for all Californians by allowing big pharma to raise prices at will, without accountability.
CAHP Press Release – California Association of Health Plans Responds to Governor’s May Budget Revise
Today, the California Association of Health Plans released the following statement in response to the Governor’s May revision of the 2023-2024 budget proposal.
CAHP Press Release: Information and Resources for California Health Plan Members Impacted By Southern California Wildfires