CAHP Statement: Covered California Announces Low 2022 Rate Change and New Expanded Financial Help Under the American Rescue Plan
Covered California today announced preliminary health insurance rates for 2022, citing an average statewide rate change of 1.8 percent. New expanded subsidies for Covered Californian enrollees under the American Rescue Plan have lowered premiums by an average of 50 percent for hundreds of thousands of Californians--with some paying as low as one dollar in premiums per month. California Association of Health Plans President and CEO Charles Bacchi issued a statement on today’s announcement.
CAHP Fact Sheet: California’s Health Plans Are Making Health Care More Affordable, Accessible and Flexible Under the American Rescue Plan
Since the recent passage of the American Rescue Plan by the Biden Administration — which has made health care more affordable for thousands of Californians - California’s health plans have been hard at work finding ways to maximize the new law’s benefits on behalf of their members. These efforts are making health care more affordable, accessible, and flexible for thousands of Californians.
In Case You Missed It: Physician productivity, revenues rebounding to pre-pandemic levels: report (FierceHealthcare)
As the COVID-19 pandemic begins to ease, Fierce Healthcare has reported on a new study by Kaufman Hall finding that U.S. physician groups are seeing signs of financial recovery as their performance metrics return to near pre-pandemic levels in the first quarter of 2021. The new study suggests an end to the volatility driven by COVID-19 that hit physician practices last year, according to Fierce Healthcare.
CAHP Press Release: Information and Resources for California Health Plan Members Impacted By Southern California Wildfires