RunawayRx Fact Sheet: The Ever-Increasing Cost of Oncology Drugs

RunawayRx Fact Sheet: The Ever-Increasing Cost of Oncology …

CAHP Statement: Renewed SB 17 Lawsuit Signals PhRMA’s Continued Unwillingness to Acknowledge Their Outsized Role in the High-Priced Drug Crisis

The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) has re-filed its lawsuit against SB 17, California’s drug price transparency legislation. PhRMA’s action comes just one month after a federal judge dismissed the organization’s previous lawsuit and offers a clear sign that the group intends to continue its efforts to keep patients in the dark about prescription drug pricing.

CAHP Statement: SB 1156 Supporters Undeterred by Governor’s Decision to Veto Bill

A broad coalition of concerned consumer, labor, and health care groups today expressed their disappointment in Governor Brown’s decision to veto SB 1156 -- a bill that would have discouraged certain dialysis providers and loosely regulated residential treatment centers throughout California from inappropriately shifting patients into commercial coverage in order to receive higher reimbursements for inflated and unnecessary medical claims. This practice has been particularly harmful to vulnerable individuals suffering from opioid addiction and kidney disease.